Basisfächer Structural Integrity

ModuleTitleLV TypeCPLVDatesExamination
Fundamentals of Fracture MechanicsFundamentals of Fracture MechanicsFach-/Modulprüfung9462697
Fundamentals of Fracture MechanicsÜbung460392Di 12:30-14:00 TD (1300|408) (×14)
Fundamentals of Fracture MechanicsVorlesung460393Mo 12:30-14:00 004 (1830|004) (×15)
Fundamentals of Fracture MechanicsPraktikum460192Do 09:30-11:30 Extern (×3)
Fr 14:30-16:00 UMIC_024 (2165|024) (×15)
Fr 16:30-18:00 ST 6 (1665|006) (×15)
Introduction to Metal CastingExam "Introduction to Metal Casting"Fach-/Modulprüfung4457210
Introduction to Metal FormingExam-Introduction to Metal FormingFach-/Modulprüfung4457645
Materials Chemistry IIMaterials Chemistry IIVorlesung458150Mo 18:30-20:00 H05 (1385|105) (×14)
Mo 18:30-20:00 HKW 1 (1132|203) (×1)
Mi 18:30-20:00 H05 (1385|105) (×15)
Materials Chemistry II (deutsch)Übung459106Di 08:30-10:00 Knorr-Bremse-Hörsaal (H04) (1385|103) (×14)
Materials Chemistry II (englisch)Übung459093Di 10:30-12:00 Knorr-Bremse-Hörsaal (H04) (1385|103) (×14)
PL_Materials Chemistry II_VFach-/Modulprüfung8462618
Materials PhysicsMaterials Physics - E- TestsSeminar467781
Materials Physics - ExaminationFach-/Modulprüfung8457631
Materials Physics - LectureVorlesung467508Mo 14:30-16:00 MetP11 (2181|102) (×15)
Di 09:00-10:30 MetP11 (2181|102) (×1)
Mi 09:00-11:00 MetP11 (2181|102) (×1)
Mi 16:30-18:00 MetP11 (2181|102) (×15)
Materials Physics - ExerciseÜbung467509Fr 14:30-16:00 MetP11 (2181|102) (×15)
Process Metallurgy and Recycling of Iron and SteelProcess Metallurgy and Recycling (Part Fe Metallurgy)Fach-/Modulprüfung4466308
Process Metallurgy and Recycling (Part Fe Metallurgy) (Basic course M.Sc.) ExerciseÜbung458170
Process Metallurgy and Recycling (Part Fe Metallurgy) (Basic course M.Sc.)Vorlesung459191
Process Metallurgy and Recycling of Non-Ferrous MetalsProcess Metallurgy and Recycling (Part NF Metallurgy)Fach-/Modulprüfung4462875
Process Metallurgy and Recycling of Non-Ferrous Metals (Basic Course M.Sc.)Übung458853
Process Metallurgy and Recycling of Non-Ferrous Metals (Basic Course M.Sc.)Vorlesung458423